The Mandeville School

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Key Stage 3

In achieving the school's curriculum intent, students in Key Stage 3 study a broad curriculum, that is a balance between the central subjects of English, mathematics and science, and a wide range of others. During Key Stage 3 all students study: a modern foreign language; religious studies; history; geography; physical education; art; drama; music; dance; design technology; and computing/IT.

In every year group in the school, students have dedicated time in their timetable for PSHCE, which includes RSE (Relationships and Sex Education). The religious studies, PSHCE and RSE curriculum is also supplemented by assemblies and the tutor time programme. 

Year 8 students select creative options to carry through into Year 9. This gives them the opportunity to select creative subjects of most interest to them. 

Each subject has its own curriculum intent statement, which sets out the broad ambition of the subject for the Key Stage, including domain specific knowledge, skills and understanding. The finer details behind the curriculum intent are detailed in each subjects Age-Related Knowledge, Skills and Understanding (ARKSU) document. The Curriculum Map details how the curriculum is sequenced across the 3 years of Key Stage 3.