The Mandeville School

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Curriculum Overview and Subjects

Curriculum Intent:

At TMS we want our students and staff to ‘Believe Achieve Succeed’. We believe all stakeholders should have high aspirations for our students, we believe they can achieve the highest academic outcomes, and they will be successful citizens equipped to be the leaders of tomorrow.

The aim of our curriculum is to be broad, balanced and inclusive whilst celebrating the diversity of our students and their communities. We have the same high expectations of everyone in our community regardless of their background or starting points. Our aim is to ensure equity for all students.

The curriculum, which is designed by subject experts, is structured and sequenced so students build and develop key knowledge and skills over time. The key stage 3 curriculum is rigorous and aspirational and lays the foundations for key stage 4 success; preparing students for the opportunities and responsibilities of the modern world. Our research driven curriculum provides students with the knowledge and skills to solve complex and interesting problems. Personal development and careers are embedded through our curriculum and offer students routes into higher education and apprenticeships to enable success in the world of work. Our curriculum extends beyond the classroom through our extensive co-curricular programme, which aims to enhance students social, moral and cultural development.

We want students at TMS to believe in their potential and have high aspirations of themselves and each other. They will achieve academically and personally inside and outside of the classroom and go on to lead fulfilling and successful lives.


Additional Areas of Study